Order not received?
For UK mainland, most packages will arrive the next working day from the date of dispatch. Occasionally this can up to 4 working days due to DPD or Royal Mail delays. For UK territories and islands, most packages will arrive within two working days but can take up to 7 working days.
For Europe, we expect delivery within 3 working days up to 10 working days dependant on location.
We check all our delivery estimates with our selected couriers and expect all dispatched orders to be delivered within our delivery estimates, it is very rare but delays can happen, we are sorry about this but this is out of our control.
If your order don’t arrive when expected, please:
- Check if someone else at your address has accepted your package.
- Check with a neighbour or in a safe place like a garage or porch as your package could still be there.
- Check for an attempted delivery notification. Sometimes postal services will leave these in your letter box or on your door. Follow the instructions on that note to arrange redelivery or collection.
- Check at your local post office as they may be holding your package, or they may have additional information about the package's location.
If you don’t recieve your order within 7 working days, please let us know by contacting us, so we can investigate for you.
We are able to take orders for products that are out of stock in our warehouse, when on a product page you will see a warning message highlighting this. This means that we'll immediately order the selected products into our warehouse and dispatch them as they arrive. This adds between 3-5 working days to the dispatch, but be assured that your order will be sent the same day we receive stock. Please contact us for a more accurate lead time on a selected product.
Please note, THULE products can have lead times of up to 21 working days due to high season demand.